Saturday 16 May 2015

Why cant we just call directly to God for healing?

Why cant we just call directly to God for healing?

When you call directly to your God, the Universal energies, or Source, then Angels are sent to help and assist you.  Healing occurs when you receive the energy of unconditional love.  As such we can ask the Angels for healing as they are themselves beacons of unconditional love. 

The main focus should not be on who you are praying to, but more, the intention you are holding in your heart, when you are praying. 

The appropriate healing energy that resonates most perfectly for you, will then be brought forward.  This maybe for example:  the healing energy of Jesus, Angels, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed …..  

When you place your intention within your heart and ask your God, the Universal energy or Source for healing, then the most appropriate healing energy, with which you most strongly resonate, will be brought forward for you.

Healing occurs when you receive the energy of unconditional love

Angels are not deity?

Why cant we just pray directly to God?  Angels are not deity!

Angels are servants of your God.  They are the messengers who guide us between Heaven and Earth.   It is not appropriate to worship them.  However, Angels create energy that inspires our hearts.  This energy causes our hearts to burst open with adoration.  It is this feeling of adoration that can be acknowledged.  Remember, that the feeling of inspiration from your Angel, is the perfect reflection for you that ‘your God’ does exist.

Angels do not have free will.  You must call upon your Angels to assist you.

Angels can only respond when we call upon them from a position of love, humility, clarity and trust.  Always make requests that are positive.  Always make your requests for the highest good of all concerned.  The Angels will then be able to draw closer to you.    

Do Angels respond to people from all religions?

Do different Angels respond to people with different faiths?

The only thing Angels recognise, are the desires or calling from an individual’s heart and soul.  A genuine request for help and guidance is always heard.  The way in which an Angel is seen or interpreted, will be the way you can best understand or receive their message.  Angels may therefore appear to you as Male, Female, Human, Animal….  Or any representation of how you understand an Angel to look. For example a bodhisattva. 

Angels appear to you in a way you can recognise and understand

Angels have no religion

Why speak to Angels when I can speak directly to God?

Not all people believe in one God, one source, or one premium place.  But Angels can reach everyone.  Angels are free from religious, cultural or ethnic boundaries.  Angels work as the messengers between Heaven and Earth.

The role of Angels is to spread the beliefs and qualities of unconditional love through their protection, joy, wisdom and happiness.

Angels hold no specific allegiance to any prophet, any religion, or any culture.  Angels are free and all encompassing.  When a person calls to the Angels, the Angels must respond.  This is Divine Law. 

If you ask your God, the Universe, or Source for a miracle, you will invoke an almighty team.  An almighty team of Angelic helpers.  Angels are messengers that bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth. 

·         Angels are made in the likeness of your God, or Source, or the Universal Energy
·         Angels only know the qualities of Unconditional Love

Angels are free from religious, cultural or ethnic boundaries

Friday 8 May 2015

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel’s name means ‘God is my strength’.  Archangel Gabriel is often depicted carrying a golden trumpet, which he uses to awaken your inner angel and bring good news. Archangel Gabriel can give guidance and help with spiritual awakening. 

Archangel Gabriel is sometimes known as the Angel of the moon.  He uses feminine, intuitive energy to help with dream interpretation and visions.  He uses the moon’s magical energy to awaken humanity.  He can guide you through life changing experiences, dissolving fear, by cleansing it in his white ray of purification.

Archangel Gabriel can assist you with purification if:
·         Your body is full of toxins
·         If your thoughts need to be free of impure or negative thinking
·         If you have been sexually or physically assaulted
·         If you are under psychic attack
·         If your home, work or general environment feels negative
·         If you feel that you have absorbed other people’s problems

Archangel Gabriel can assist you with life changing situations like moving home, changing careers, undertaking new projects, starting a family, needing to understand your life purpose or mission.

Archangel Gabriel can help you with:
·         Prophecy, inspiration and visionary matters. 
·         If your spiritual vision is blocked without any seeming reason
·         If you wish to see Angels and their guidance
·         If you need to better understand your inner world

Archangel Gabriel is one of only two Archangels mentioned in the Old Testament, the other one being Archangel Michael.  Muslims say that Gabriel (Jibrail) awakened the prophet of God, Mohammed. Mohammed then dictated the Koran.  The Koran is the sacred book of Islam. 

Archangel Gabriel is known in Christianity for announcing the forthcoming birth of Jesus Christ, the child of Mary.  Archangel Gabriel was present at the death of Jesus.  He watched over the tomb and gave the news of the resurrection to the disciples. 

Archangel Gabriel brought inspiration to Joan of Arc with her mission.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Are Angels real?

‘Dear Ones, I approach you from my position in the heavenly peace.  Angels are made in the essence of your God.  Your God speaks to you through the intuition and love in your heart. When this feels profound it is a moment that can change your life.  It is a moment when your Soul begins to become awake.

Angels are our bridge between Heaven and Earth.  Your God, makes Angels in his or her essence and sends them on missions of peace to reach you.  When you feel those profound feelings of love, peace and tears of joy, then that is the moment an Angel is reaching out and touching your heart.  It is in this moment that you know that Angels are real. 

As the Angels touch your heart a healing occurs and layers, that may have obscured your true soul essence, begin to be dissolved by the presence of your Angel.  Your true soul essence is love. Without the layers to obscure your soul, you can now feel this love. You now know with certainty that Angels are real.

Angels talk to us in the language of love.  We feel this in our hearts as intuition and peace. A profound love envelopes us. It is felt as an all-encompassing wave. Quite different to any other experience or situation. 

As your heart opens tears of joy may flow spontaneously.  Your teardrops are your sign that your Angels do exist. Your heart speaks to you through your emotions’.

Archangel Chamuel

Thursday 8 May 2014

Book Reviews for 'Meet your Angels' - Michelle Fielding


Thank you everyone for your lovely reviews:

29 March 2014 - By Ronald 
This review is from: Meet your Angels: You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You (Paperback)

This is a subject that many of us know little about but think we know a lot, Michelle has written a book that gives us a greater insight into the subject. I learnt a lot. Thanks Michelle

11 Mar 2014 - By Susanne Brandofino
All you ever need to know about our magnificent Angels

This is a fascinating book...I feel a very deep connection with my Angels but always had some questions. Michelle has done a wonderful job of filling in the blanks for me. Blessings to all of us.

18 February 2014

One of the most comprehensive, detailed and well written books about Angels I have ever bought.
Thank you Michelle.xx

9 December 2013 - Blue Angel 444
this is an awesome book! I have used this book as a reference since the spring of this year! It has been a great blessing to me!!!!

24 October 2012

Hi Michelle, I'm about to finish your book. Very impressive so far, . Greetings from Barcelona! - Pamela

Meet your Angels, 22 Sep 2013 - By Ginni
'I got this book right as it came out back in the spring and what a wonderful book it has been. I look over it everyday for inspiration and Angelic guidance. It has been a book of both research and inspiration for me. So thankful that the angels guided it to me for it has helped me to connect with a deeper knowledge of my Angels. A great tool for deeper love for myself and others. I have gained an even more profound spiritual awareness and higher perspective through the reading of this book. I can feel the angels love in every word!

For anyone like me who wants to be more in sync with Angels in a more loving and heart felt way, this book would be worth a try. I love how encouraging and the deep kindness that the author Michelle Fielding presents this information.

Thank you again Michelle for this uplifting book, it is truly a blessing!'

5.0 out of 5 stars New Adventure, 3 July 2013 - By Judi

'I was looking for a book to help me with a journey and this one fulfills all my questions. I have read parts of it over and over again. Thank you x'

5.0 out of 5 stars Read about angels, - By Sandy10
'I would recommend this book if you want to learn more about the angels and how they can help you in your every day life. Well worth having.'

By Cathie
This review is from: Meet your Angels: You may not believe in Angels but they believe in You (Paperback)

'I was enjoying learning so much from the Facebook page,"You may not believe in Angels but they believe in you" that when the book "Meet your Angels" came out I had to get one.The book answers many questions. Well written and easy to read. I am loving this book!'

5.0 out of 5 stars A Great Angel Book - By Margaret Merrison

'Meet Your Angels: You may not believe in Angels but they believe in you' is a comprehensive book for living in the everyday world in touch with and receiving help from the Angels. This book shows how Angels add a fantastic new dimension to people's lives by bringing them fully into every part of our existence. This is a book that will change your life.'


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